Impact of Smart Metering on Water Losses Reduction : Case Study of the Kingdom of Bahrain

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Date Issued
[2], 13, 145, [2] pages
Place of institution
Sakhir, Bahrain
Thesis Type
Thesis (Master)
University of Bahrain, College of Business administration, Department of Management and Marketing
Abstract :

Targeting to reduce the gap between produced and invoiced water, the Kingdom of Bahrain has implemented a smart water metering system.
Smart water metering is intended to provide more accurate (than conventional meters), timely automatic meter readings, and reduce the apparent and real losses in the network. The study’s objective is to investigate the strategies developed and practices by the Kingdom of
Bahrain to limit water losses, study the influence of smart metering on water losses, and quantify the actual financial impact of smart metering.
Secondary data was used to test the research hypotheses and answer the research questions statically. The study includes qualitative data gathered about the NRW control strategies adopted by the Kingdom of Bahrain, and statistical testing of NRW’s historical data. Added to that, the study involves a case study of NRW in 32 DMAs, to investigate the real impact
of smart meters.
The study revealed that smart metering affects the water revenue increase in Bahrain. A model was developed to predict the NRW ratio. The study findings can be used by decision-makers to quantify the predicted impact of NRW factors and assess in developing programs that
focus on these factors. Further implication of study results is encouraging the water utility to continue the smart meters’ replacement program.
Keywords: Smart Metering, DMA, NRW, Water Management, Kingdom of Bahrain