Practical Decision Making Based on Joint Geometric-Probabilistic Analysis

Country of Publication
Place Published
University of Bahrain
University of Bahrain
Date Issued
Abstract: This article gives an outline of the novel scheme for increasing performance of object recognition based on approximation of highresolution wavelet coefficients with morphological deformation operators. The affectivity of statistical pre-processing techniques such as morphological boundary extraction is excavated. The dependency between parent and child wavelet coefficients of natural images was exploited
by a generalized Bayesian-based algorithm. The basic idea is to choose upper bands wavelet coefficients between transform outputs of original and morphological presentation of image. It can be applied without any prior knowledge about probability distributions of wavelet coefficients.
This is the simplest way to use novel scheme. In other way, the problem can be considered as the estimation of high resolution wavelet coefficients using a priori probability distribution with Bayesian estimation techniques, such as the maximum a posterior (MAP) estimator.

Frequency: Bi Annually, starting from Volume 11, 2022 we have 2 Continues Volumes Production

The International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS) is a well-respected peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality research papers, review articles, and surveys related to computer science, information systems, and computer/electrical engineering. The journal is published bi-annually and is part of the Continues Volumes Production. IJCDS is an open-access journal, which means that all published articles are freely available to the public.

The journal is published by the University of Bahrain and has been running successfully for several years. The aim of IJCDS is to provide a platform for researchers and scholars to publish their research work related to computer science, information systems, and computer/electrical engineering. The journal encourages the submission of original research articles, as well as review articles and surveys, that describe recent developments and innovations in the field.
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